COP 26 – What are Begley Brown doing?

by | Nov 1, 2021 | Impact Investing

As I’m sure you will all be aware Glasgow will soon be proudly hosting the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, also known as COP26.

The eyes of the world will be on the city as global leaders meet to discuss what more can be done to tackle climate change and accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Whilst everyone has their own opinions on how much we should, or should not, be doing to reduce our individual impact on the environment it cannot be denied that more people than ever are focused on it now.

It’s amazing how quickly many of us have adopted changes in our lives to help such as grabbing our “bags for life” before going to the shops, separating the glass and food waste from our general rubbish at home and buying energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs.

Did you know though that there is something you can do that can make a much bigger difference to the environment than all of these things put together?

Not only to the environment but also toward solving the biggest issues our society and world face?

That is using your pensions/investments to invest in companies that are providing solutions to the world’s biggest issues like climate change, poverty, and world hunger to name but a few.

Historically investing in an “ethical” manner meant giving up a financial return and this put most off.

That appears to have changed and indeed investing without environmental or ethical considerations is now, quite possibly, the more risky approach.

For clients wishing to make a difference with their investments, while still having the prospect of enjoying good long-term returns, we are pleased to announce we now offer 3 risk level entry points to dedicated sustainable portfolios designed to make an impact. Our core portfolios have for some time reflected our belief in the benefits of this approach and the new offerings build on this.

These will sit alongside our normal investment portfolios but will be an alternative for those that would like to see their money match their values.

If you would like to hear more about our new BB Impact Portfolios please get in touch and we’ll send you a video next week of Chris, Mark, and Alastair discussing these in more detail.

If you want to find out more, then please refer to the Impact Investing section of our website, Impact Investing or drop us an email