Under the bonnet.
Although our main focus is on you, your plan and your journey, you can be confident that under the bonnet we have a robust investment process. This has been developed and refined over many years and it is the engine that drives your money in the direction required to meet your planning goals.
We have a range of portfolios which have been created in-house that have a strong track record which we are proud of.

These are under constant review by our Investment Committee and changes are made when required.
The portfolios cover a complete range of risk levels and as part of your planning we will assess how much risk you need to take, if any. If you have strong ethical views we have a range of Impact Investing Portfolios that can accommodate these.

Too often clients have investments that don’t match their objectives and life goals. That’s where we come in.

7 Royal Crescent, Glasgow, G3 7SL
Telephone: 0141 331 2221
Email: admin@begleybrown.co.uk
Registered in Scotland. Company Registration Number: 326258
Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Financial Services Register Number 471152
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