Here you will find the latest updates, articles & goings on from Begley Brown.
Is Now a Good Time to Invest?
This is a question that regularly comes up in conversation and one that is much more complex than it first appears. We could have written many...
Autumn Statement 2023
IntroductionWe have spent a lot of time listening to our clients’ feedback over the last few months and one recurring theme was a desire for more...
COP 26 – What are Begley Brown doing?
As I’m sure you will all be aware Glasgow will soon be proudly hosting the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, also known as COP26. The...
Our Planet. Too big to fail.
It is very true that many of us have never had it so good but the planet has never had it so bad. We can't ignore the signs any longer, we are at a...
Impact Investing
I watched Sir David Attenborough's latest and probably last programme "Extinction" last night with my children. To say that it moved me would be an...

7 Royal Crescent, Glasgow, G3 7SL
Telephone: 0141 331 2221
Registered in Scotland. Company Registration Number: 326258
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Financial Services Register Number 471152
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